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About Us

Second Opinion Consultants, LLC, in conjunction with, is a planning firm that was specifically established to assist our clients by providing a free Second Opinion on their Financial, Insurance and Tax positions.

During the many years of our consulting practice we have found that the clients we represent around the country have an inherent problem. They have no one to coordinate their entire professional team (accountant, lawyer, broker, insurance consultant, financial advisor etc…)

Our consulting group is the overall coordinator. We offer our clients (just like you) a free Second Opinion on tax reduction, asset protection, personal and career decisions, as well as assisting you in determining the most effective way of spending and retaining your monies – both today and in the future!

Sidney Goldstein CFO - Senior Partner, along with his professional team of associates, will analyze your financial positions, coordinate your entire financial team and be your acting CFO.

Sidney and his team will provide you with various options to reduce your taxes, eliminate financial risk, increase your profitability and become debt free.

We will work with you in implementing any changes necessary and assist you by coordinating and advising you in all areas of your life, from personal lifestyle spending to your business and practice decisions.

We are "On Call" 24/7 for YOU!


(866) 818-1091